“We Shall Not All Sleep, But We Shall All Be Changed.”
Welcome to Kids’ Cove at Springs Lighthouse! Nursery through 4th grade classes are available at the 9:00 and 11:00
Our 5th-7th grade ministry and 8th-12th grade ministry are available at the 9:00 AM service.
Nursery: Feel free to drop off any time during service.
Pre-K through Middle School: Kids will be released after worship. Listen for the announcement.
Our 5th-7th grade ministry and 8th-12th grade ministry are available at the 9:00 AM service.
Nursery: Feel free to drop off any time during service.
Pre-K through Middle School: Kids will be released after worship. Listen for the announcement.
At Springs Lighthouse Kids’ Cove, our vision is to provide our children a foundational opportunity to connect with God and know Him through worship, fellowship, and being in God’s Word. Our mission is to partner with parents by training children in the way they should go and to make disciples who follow in His footsteps. Prioritizing God’s Word and His love for children, our Children's Ministry is thoughtfully designed for kids from birth and up. We tailor each class to your child's age, incorporating prayer, songs, games, crafts, Scripture, engaging Bible lessons, and hands-on activities to help your child grow in their faith.
Teachers and volunteers undergo background checks and training to cultivate a secure and God- centered setting, ensuring parents that their children are safe while they grow in the LORD.
Sickness Policy
If your child does not feel well, is running a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, vomited or had diarrhea in the last 24 hours, please have your child stay home. If your child develops a rash, vomits, or has diarrhea after they have been signed in and dropped off by a parent, an incident report will be made and a parent will be contacted immediately.

Sunday Mornings
9:00 AM
Full Schedule Classes:
Nursery 6 weeks old - 3 years old
Minnows: Pre-K through 1st Grade
Guppies: 2nd Grade through 4th Grade
Sharks: 5th Grade through 7th Grade
Nursery 6 weeks old - 3 years old
Minnows: Pre-K through 1st Grade
Guppies: 2nd Grade through 4th Grade
Sharks: 5th Grade through 7th Grade
11:00 AM
Nursery 6 weeks old - 3 years old
Combine Class:
Guppies: Pre-K Through 4th Grade
Combine Class:
Guppies: Pre-K Through 4th Grade