Brian Michaels - LEAD Pastor
Pastor Brian has served the body of Christ in ministry for nearly 37 years. Brian began teaching the Bible as a lay leader aboard his submarine during his years in the US Navy. He has served as a youth pastor, worship leader, church planter and was blessed to watch the Lord grow Rocky Mountain Calvary in Colorado Springs from 50 people to multiple thousands under his leadership as Lead Pastor. After planting a church in Las Vegas and ministering there for 7 years, Pastor Brian and his wife, Jeanine, returned to Colorado Springs in 2012 to plant Springs Lighthouse, where he currently serves as the Lead Pastor. Brian’s wife, Jeanine, their four adult children, and their eight grandchildren, are counted among his greatest blessings. Pastor Brian and Jeanine are true partners in service to the body of Christ. Jeanine is the Director of Wise Woman Ministries and teaches a weekly Bible study as well as retreats and conferences. Both gifted teachers in their own right, they come together in a powerful way to teach Couples’ Retreats and Conferences with humor, transparency and strong Biblical application.
As the Pastor of Springs Lighthouse, Pastor Brian is not only a gifted teacher but a gifted leader as well. His teachings are strong in application and Biblical insight, but also refreshingly humorous and entertaining. People all over the globe enjoy the teaching ministry of Pastor Brian and Springs Lighthouse through the church’s website and social media platforms. His integrity, strength of character, sincerity and heart for others make him an outstanding leader and shepherd of God’s people. He knows he is a man saved by the grace of God through faith in His Savior, Jesus Christ and is as much in need of the truths in scripture as those he teaches.
As the Pastor of Springs Lighthouse, Pastor Brian is not only a gifted teacher but a gifted leader as well. His teachings are strong in application and Biblical insight, but also refreshingly humorous and entertaining. People all over the globe enjoy the teaching ministry of Pastor Brian and Springs Lighthouse through the church’s website and social media platforms. His integrity, strength of character, sincerity and heart for others make him an outstanding leader and shepherd of God’s people. He knows he is a man saved by the grace of God through faith in His Savior, Jesus Christ and is as much in need of the truths in scripture as those he teaches.